(So yea, Gaming hasn't improved, it has simply gotten simpler so we imbeciles can enjoy it. Right? Wrong!)
Commonly in Video Game culture there comes a discussion of how games today are just far too easy and they've developed this way to make it easier for the masses to play games. This idea perpetuates the notion that gaming has only gotten bigger because it has dumbed down so that non-gamers(Whoever they are) can get excited about playing games.
There are two main reasons why these types of ideas are just plain stupid. Firstly it's actually offensive to gamers to say that more people play now because games have gotten "stupid" enough for the majority of "stupid" society to play along.
Believe it or not, Pokemon, Paperboy, and Super Street fighter were never hard games. It's true that there are a number of series early on in gaming that were extremely challenging but looking at the "Golden" era of gaming shows a plethora of games you could consider laughably easy.
IF ANYTHING there are MORE challenging games on the market from 2000-2012, then there were from 1988-2000. As gamers grew up, game designers were forced to keep their audience and code for better and better games more centered toward growing audiences. This has lead to more challenge over time rather than more games like Asteroids.
So just to clarify my first point, there were tons of easy games back when Gaming was developing in the golden era which people seem to so greatly cling to. Ignoring them and saying we have too many easy games today is just ignorance about Gaming history.
Secondly, games have gotten more efficient over time and game designers have been working their butts off trying to makes games more approachable and easier to understand for decades. To ignore their hard work in how they seamlessly integrate tutorials into the game or provide subtle hints to push the player forward CAN lead to someone THINKING a game is more easy. In reality it's Game designers who have become incredibly good at their jobs.
Games that used to stop and teach you a new game mechanic and then force you into the fire may have seemed harder than the current games which slowly ease you into a new game mechanic and only make it necessary once you've had time to master it.
This just means games are less frustrating and are fairer, rather than throwing you into the fire randomly or improperly setting up the game. Why would we want to go back to games that were badly designed?
Hard Games have always existed
Now pointing all this out isn't to say that hard games didn't exist, they definitely did and the hard ones in the 1990's are probably harder than the hard ones we have today. But to say that we don't have games that are difficult now, or to say that people only love gaming because it's dumbed down is insulting to all gamers. We're not imbeciles and society as a whole isn't filled with droves of idiots that like to randomly mash buttons.
Button mashing games exist, as do correctly designed games like Pokemon. Pokemon, just given as an example, is a game that has depth, but can also be easily played by most children. The game design is supurb and explains why it has gone on to sell millions of copies.
Our Games are as great as they've always been, we should recognize that, praise the talents of game designers, and acknowledge that we've learned from the past's mistakes. To simply throw that all away and say games are "easier" is essentially a slap in the face to all gamers; especially when you follow it up by saying gaming only has mass appeal if it's dumbed down.
Don't let their ignorance about Gaming's history taint the hard work of countless game production studios, designers, programmers, and the community at large.
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ReplyDeleteCông ty vận chuyển hàng hóa chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp các dịch vụ liên quan đến vận chuyển hàng hóa. Có thể kể đến như dịch vụ chuyển hàng trong nước, ký gửi hàng hóa, dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh trong nước giá rẻ, ... vận tải vận chuyển giao nhận quà tết nhanh chóng - an toàn. công ty vận tải giao nhận hàng hóa uy tín chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp các dịch vụ liên quan đến vận chuyển hàng hóa.
ReplyDeleteCác dịch vụ của chúng tôi như: vận tải hàng đi nha trang, gửi hàng đi hà nội, vận tải chuyển hàng hóa Hà Nội vào sài gòn, vận tải hàng, vận tải đi đà nẵng
Nếu bạn còn bân khuân về giá cả thì hãy xem qua bảng giá cước chuyển phát nhanh trong nước để tìm hiểu về giá cả dịch vụ chuyển phát nhanh của chúng tôi so với những nơi khác nhé.
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mặc dầu còn hơn 1 tháng nữa mới đến Tết Nguyên đán 2017 nhưng tại Hà Nội, đa dạng cây đào bích, đào phai đã sớm khoe sắc trên gian phoi quan ao gia re.
ReplyDeleteVừa tìm cành đào phai tại chợ hoa truyền bá, bà Nguyễn Thị Liên (51 tuổi, P.Bạch Mai, Q.Hai Bà Trưng) chia sẻ: “Tôi sắm cành đào phai giá 160.000 đồng. Năm nào vợ chồng tôi cũng đánh xe lên chợ này tìm cành đào về đón rằm tháng Chạp và Tết Dương lịch”.